About Course
During the course we will cover how to:
- talk about movies and actors.
- relate events from your past, including your weekend activities and interesting stories.
- describe your past life, giving details about important milestones.
- entertain someone in your home or visit a friend or colleague in their home.
- discuss your vacation plans and tell friends and colleagues about your vacation afterwards.
- talk about the natural world and travels to see animals and natural areas in your country.
- talk about movies that you like and choose a movie to see with friends.
- discuss clothing and what kind of clothes you like to wear.
- engage in basic communication at work, including attending meetings on familiar topics.
- describe an accident or injury, get medical help from a doctor and fill a prescription for medicine.
- engage in basic business socializing, welcoming guests and attending networking events.
- understand and make basic business proposals in your area of expertise.
- talk about and explain the rules of games.
Course Content
Unidad 2
00:00 -
1. El reportaje
00:00 -
El reportaje
Quiz 1. Respuestas
00:00 -
2. Pretérito indefinido
00:00 -
3. Una información falsa
00:00 -
Una información falsa
Quiz: Solución
4. Una experiencia increíble
00:00 -
Una experiencia increíble
5. Pretérito indefinido. Verbos regulares
00:00 -
Verbos regulares
6. Pretérito indefinido. Verbos irregulares
00:00 -
Verbos irregulares
7. Alejandro Amenábar
00:00 -
8. Marcadores temporales
00:00 -
9. Marcadores temporales 2
00:00 -
10. Currúculum
00:00 -
11. Ir /Irse
00:00 -
12. Las nuevas caras del cine español
00:00 -