Tras completar este curso, serás capaz de comunicarte en situaciones de la vida diaria con expresiones cotidianas y vocabulario básico.
Durante este curso aprenderás a:
- presentarte de forma básica, saludar y despedirte
- explicar de dónde eres tú y de dónde son otras personas y dar una descripción básica de tu ciudad
No son necesarios conocimientos previos de español. Puedes empezar desde cero.
- lecciones en vídeo de cada tema
- el libro del estudiante
- quizzes interactivos para cada vídeo
- corrección de tus tareas escritas (textos, ensayos) por un/a profesor/a nativo/a
After this course you will be able to communciate in everyday situations with commonly-used expressions and basic vocabulary.
During this course we will cover how to:
- introduce yourself simply and use basic greetings
- tell where your and others are from and give a basic description of your city
No previous knowledge of Spanish required. You can start from scratch.
- video lessons on each topic
- a tailor-made student book for this course
- interactive quizzes after each video
- correction of your written tasks by a native teacher
Apartado A: ¡Hola! ¿Qué tal?
In this video you will find the overview of what you will learn in detail in the next lessons.
In this lesson you will learn Spanish alphabet and how to pronounce different letters and words.
In this video you will learn how to greet people and introduce yourself.
In this quiz you will check how well you remember the greetings expressions.